Help us create a community with no food waste where all are well-nourished
Fundraise with Concrete Jungle to benefit people facing food insecurity today!
Towards Our Goal
Recurring Donors
Join us for Pear to Pear, er, Peer to Peer fundraising this year!
Hello friends! It's that time of year when reach out to our friends and family to ask our community and network to support our efforts to end food waste and food insecurity. By doing a peer to peer fundraiser for Concrete Jungle, you will help people facing food insecurity gain access to fresh and nutritious produce, and you'll help your friends feel good about doing good.
Starting a fundraiser is easy to do. We've made it as simple as possible to start your own fundraising page (and have support on hand just in case!) With your help we can ensure that all people are well-nourished.
Just click on that "Start Fundraising" button, follow the prompts, and before you know it you'll be ready to go!
With gratitude,
The Concrete Jungle Team
Help Us Find
Recurring Donors
Your Friend Here!
Giving $50 Per MonthYou can help us get more recurring donations by starting a fundraiser!
16 people have already started fundraising for this campaign!
Start FundraisingYou will get these tools to help you run a successful campaign:
Pre-Built Templates
Send emails and social media messages to supporters based on expert-tested templates.
A Smarter Donation Page
Solicit more donations with proven-success templates established from industry best practices.
Automated Notifications & Emails
Keep your campaign on track with various automated features designed to get you closer to your goal.